
No Ocean Between Us: Art of Asian Diasporas in Latin America & The Caribbean, 1945–Present

January 29 – May 23, 2022

No Ocean Between Us: Art of Asian Diasporas in Latin America & The Caribbean, 1945–Present features modern and contemporary art by Latin American and Caribbean artists of Asian descent. This exhibition highlights artists whose work reflects the global dialogues between their Asian heritages and their Latin American or Caribbean identities, as well as the major artistic movements of their times. Included in the exhibition are paintings, works on paper, sculptures, and mixed media works that reflect the flow of migration from Japan, China, India, and Indonesia and the artistic impact in its host countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Guyana, Jamaica, Panama, Peru, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, and Suriname. No Ocean Between Us provides context to understanding the complex and multifaceted nature of cultural diversity in modern Latin American and Caribbean societies. The exhibition allows the viewer to explore how an artist’s unique experience of migration shaped their work. Inspired by the permanent collection of the Art Museum of the Americas of the Organization of American States, the exhibition features works by Brazilian artists Manabu Mabe, Tomie Ohtake, Yukata Toyota, Tikashi Fukushima, and Kazuo Wakabashi; Argentine artist Kasuya Sakai; Peruvian artists Venancio Shinki, Arturo Kubotta, Carlos Runcie Tanaka, and Eduardo Tokeshi; Trinidadian artist M.P. Alladin; Mexican artist Luis Nishizawa; Cuban artist Wifredo Lam; and Surinamese artist Soeki Irodikromo.

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Click here for additional information on the exhibition. No Ocean Between Us: Art of the Asian Diasporas in Latin America & the Caribbean, 1945–Present was developed and organized for tour by International Arts & Artists, Washington, DC, in collaboration with AMA Art Museum of the Americas of the Organization of American States, Washington, DC.

No Ocean Between Us: Art of Asian Diasporas in Latin America & The Caribbean, 1945–Present was developed and organized for tour by International Arts & Artists, Washington, DC in collaboration with AMA | Art Museum of the Americas of the Organization of American States, Washington, DC.”

Home page caption: Manabu Mabe, Agonia (Agony), 1963, oil on canvas. © OAS AMA | Art Museum of the Americas Collection. Gift of Francisco Matarazzo Sobrinho Feature image caption: Tomie Ohtake, Untitled, 1968, oil on canvas. © OAS AMA | Art Museum of the Americas Collection


Programs will be held at the Arthur Ross Gallery with limited attendance and live-streamed due to COVID-19 guidelines.

Friday, January 28, 2022 at 5:30 pm: Opening lecture, No Ocean Between Us: An Exhibition About Inclusiveness Across Ethnic Identities and Geographic Backgrounds by Adriana Ospina, Director, Art Museum of the Americas* Link: https://upenn.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4fGL_xWKSGOwSmmY3dS8FA

ID: 931 4218 9595 Passcode: 665608

Wednesday, February 2 at noon: 12@12, Catherine Bartch, Associate Director, Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies Link: https://upenn.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIkceuopjspGtVQApEsXK0F91Vt8czTWABA

ID 969 6208 0301 Passcode: 619161

Thursday, February 10 at 5:30 pm: PennYo concert Link: https://upenn.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-rYonhzARb6Ff5hOFIOEHQ

ID: 987 9977 8148 Pass Code: 975668

Tuesday, February 22 at 5:30 pm: Pan-Asian Dance Troupe performance Link: https://upenn.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7wx_KprMQJKcAC8ciBF6GQ

ID 945 5515 4002 Passcode: 402878

Wednesday, March 2 at noon: 12@12, Lynn Marsden-Atlass, Executive Director and University Curator Link: https://upenn.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkd-uurjMpGtyHXL2yvT_HWTl6pr26RDiU

ID: 919 0260 8308 Passcode: 974137

Thursday, March 24 at 5:30 pm: Asian Diaspora and Migration to the Americas and the Caribbean: A Panel Discussion with Fernando Chang-Muy and Rupa Pillai. Moderated by Lynn Marsden-Atlass with Fernando Chang-Muy, Thomas O’Boyle Lecturer in Law, and School of Social Policy and Practice, and Rupa Pillai, Senior Visiting Lecturer in Asian American Studies and Visiting Scholar, Alice Paul Center for Research on Gender, Sexuality, and Women Link: https://upenn.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DyNRNNtKSUSWN8u1flh7bg

ID: 980 0422 3313 Passcode: 986340

Wednesday, April 6 at noon: 12@12, Siyuan (Alice) Zhao Link: https://upenn.zoom.us/j/91810018024?pwd=YVV0Vnh2ZlF3SzN3eFdiSjJDUi95QT09

ID: 918 1001 8024 Passcode: 038643

Thursday, April 7 at 5:30 pm: Migration and Empires in Latin America and the Caribbean:  How to Explain the Large Presence of Asians in the Americas by Evelyn Hu-DeHart, Professor of History, American Studies and Ethnic Studies, Brown University Link: https://upenn.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9ux1H5v6TYuiA5PxYy6dGw

ID: 968 6202 5168 Passcode: 823285

Wednesday, May 4 at noon: 12 @ 12, Fariha Khan, Co-Director, Asian American Studies Program Link: https://upenn.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkf-CorDwrGNLDbekWbqdGoqSLZyEFtD7t

ID: 959 8902 7126 Passcode: 502940

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